DNC Tournament Bid Guidelines

Revision: 2021.04.06

  1. The Tournament Bid will be made for the DNC to happen at least three years in advance. (i.e. if bid is made in 2021, it must be for 2024 or beyond)
  2. The Chairperson must be an active DDGA member to be able to bid for the National Tournament.
  3. The Chairperson must have at least FIVE active DDGA signatures to validate the bid application (according to the bylaws: Article VII.2).
  4. The Bid committee must show that it has at least $500 available for the National Tournament by the time of the Bid (for the upcoming Tournament Bid).
  5. The Bid Committee must show their LOGO (rough draft is allowed) for the National Tournament by the time of the bid (20XX DDGA National Championship).
  6. The name of event must be named as “20XX DDGA National Championship”
  7. The Tournament site must have two or more courses available for play.
  8. The Chairperson of the Bid committee must have prior tournament hosting experience. (If you have none, you can refer to PDGA point of contact person)
  9. The Bid Presentation can be uploaded and available for viewing on YouTube, of approximately 15 minutes in length (no longer than 20 minutes) or PowerPoint Slides.  
  10. Information to be submitted by the Bid Committee before the deadline must include the following:
    • Name of Members on Committee
    • Name of Courses
    • Contact People (Signatures/permission?)
    • Local Lodging (Hotels, Campgrounds, etc)
    • Public Transportation
    • Maps for visitors
    • Local emergency contact information (Hospitals, Poison Control and Evacuation Plan)
    • Local Disc Golf information
    • Points of interest
    • PDGA information (PDGA State Coordinator and Contacts)
    • Tentative schedule 
    • Dates MUST be announced one year prior
  1. The Tournament shall consist of a minimum of 4 rounds, and a final round for the top 4 players in their respective Professional division.
  2. The Tournament will be PDGA sanctioned and shall not conflict with the PDGA Worlds.
  3. Random Doubles and Bring Your Own Partner Doubles events must be provided.
  4. The location must have a meeting space to accommodate the DDGA Annual Meeting.