
ARTICLE I : Name and Definition

Section 1. The name of this organization is the Deaf Disc Golf Association and its abbreviated title is the DDGA. The official address of the DDGA shall be maintained by the DDGA Board.

Section 2. The DDGA is a Player’s Organization. It is non-profit and it is open to all people sensitive to Deaf culture, regardless of race, creed, gender, nationality, or political affiliation.

Section 3. All rules of play follow the current PDGA Rules of Play.

ARTICLE II : Purpose of Organization

Section 1. The goals to promote the sport of disc golf throughout the Deaf community shall be as follows:

a. To enhance the pleasure of the game for its members and the general public;
b. To establish and maintain rules of play and high standards of professionalism, amateurism, and good sportsmanship;
c. To foster national and international professional and amateur disc golf tournaments and competitions for the deaf;
d. To provide an outlet to communicate event results, official point standings of participating members, opinions, and other information beneficial to the sport via electronic and printed media made accessible to its members and the general public; and
e. To achieve standardization in the Rules of Play, equipment used for play, tournament formats and all other aspects of the sport of disc golf.

Section 2. To provide Deaf Disc Golfers an organization.

Section 3. To host Deaf National Disc Golf Championship Tournament.

ARTICLE III : Membership

Section 1. All applications for membership shall be accompanied by remittance of annual dues and/or the appropriate fee. Membership shall become effective upon verification of the applicants’ qualifications and receipt of annual dues and/or appropriate fee. The classes of membership shall be Active, Supporting, and Non-Active.

Section 2. In order to become an active member, one must be sensitive to Deaf Culture.

Section 3. Active members must meet all the requirements as established by the Constitution and the Board. Failure to maintain the obligations for Active membership will revert the member to Non-Active member status, and cause the member to lose all rights and privileges for Active membership for the period in question.

Section 4. Supporting members are individuals which fail to meet the requirement for active membership (III: 1) but who are interested in disc golf, Deaf culture, agree to obey and uphold the DDGA constitution, and who meet the requirements of Supporting membership as established by the Board.

Section 5. Non-Active members are past Active members who choose not to meet the obligations of Active or Supporting membership.

Section 6. An Active or Supporting member whose membership has lapsed because of failure to meet his/her obligations may be restored to Active or Supporting membership status by fulfilling the obligation (i.e., paying in full the annual dues for the period in which he/she requests reinstatement). Additional penalties and surcharges may be imposed by the Board for failure to meet the obligation within the prescribed time period.

Section 7. Privileges of Active membership over those of Supporting and Non-Active members are:

a. To vote and hold office
b. To earn points in DDGA sanctioned events
c. To participate in the Deaf National Championship Tournament
d. All other privileges as may be established by the Board

Section 8. Privileges of Active and Supporting membership over those of Non-Active members are:

a. To host events sanctioned by the DDGA
b. To have comments to committees duly considered and acted upon
c. To receive a membership package and official DDGA communication.

Section 9. Suspension of Membership: A member may be suspended for any of the following:

a. Repeated unsportsmanlike conduct, such as; cursing, throwing objects in anger (other than discs), excessive displays of anger, overt rudeness, threats or willful physical harm to anyone present
b. Willful destruction or harming of park property, plant life, or wildlife.
c. Cheating: A willful attempt to circumvent the rules.
d. Activities that are in violation of the law, park regulations, or Club rules.

The suspension shall continue until the next regularly scheduled national event. The suspended member may address the Board. A simple majority vote will be required for reinstatement. During a suspension, the suspended party loses all Club privileges, ability to participate in Nationals, earn points and voting rights. There will be NO reimbursement of Club dues. A suspended member that is denied reinstatement may reapply the following year but is subject to the same voting approval requirement at that time. (See Article XI)


Section 1. The Officers shall consist of the Executive Board consisting of the President, the Executive Director, the Director of Finance, Director of Membership, Director of Promotions, Director of Programming and the designated upcoming National Tournament Director. This Board shall be the governing body of the DDGA, hereinafter called the Board, in which the government and management of the association is vested, except as otherwise provided for in the Constitution.

Section 2. A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of the Board. All Board decisions must be by open ballot and must receive a majority of the Board for approval. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The DDGA President shall hold an annual meeting at the Deaf National Championship Tournament at which a minimum of a quorum of the Board are physically present and which is open to the full active membership. Outside of the annual meeting, votes-by-mail, e-mail, telepresence or electronic voting may be used. The DDGA President is instructed to ensure that all sides of an issue have been heard before the Board decides on a particular issue.

Section 3. The term of office for the President and its appointed board members shall be two years. The upcoming Designated National Tournament Director will be selected through National Bids at the Annual Meeting at Deaf National Disc Golf Tournament.

Section 4. All incoming Board members shall take office at the end of the Deaf National Championship Tournament. The outgoing Board members shall promptly turn over all documents, funds, and other property entrusted to them by the DDGA for the conduct of the office within 30 days.

Section 5. If the office of the DDGA President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall become the DDGA President for the remainder of the term of the vacated office, followed in order by the Director of Finance, Director of Programming, Director of Promotions, and Designated National Tournament Director.

Section 6. Vacancies occurring in a Board office other than the DDGA president shall be filled by vote of the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 7. Nominations of the President shall be presented by Active and Supporting members during the Deaf National Championship Tournament. It is at the President’s discretion to assign cabinet and committee positions as they see fit with the understanding that each position will be announced on and members have 30 days to appeal it (Majority vote of current members).

ARTICLE V : Duties of the Officers

Section 1. President

The DDGA President is the chief executive of the DDGA. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the DDGA and of the Board and shall be responsible for administering the affairs of the DDGA according to the policies and regulations established by the Constitution. The President will be responsible, along with the Director of Finance, to oversee the DDGA’s finances and its budget.

Section 2. Executive Director

The Executive Director shall, in the absence of the DDGA President, perform all the functions and that office, and shall coordinate and monitor the progress of all standing committees

Section 3. Director of Finance

The Director of Finance shall be responsible, along with the DDGA President, to oversee the DDGA’s finances and its budget. The Director of Finance shall be responsible for all funds of this organization and for the collection of debts owed to DDGA. The Treasurer shall report annually or more often if requested by the DDGA President, the financial status of the DDGA, and ensure all required financial documents with any government body are filed, as required to fully comply with all laws and regulations of the States of America.

Section 4. Director of Membership

The Director of Membership shall oversee all aspects of membership including but not limited to: collection of dues, maintaining a club database, correspondence with members, and regular projects to help grow the Club. This officer shall oversee the Club website and maintain the club email address. The Club shall pay for all service charges.

Section 5. Director of Promotions

The Director of Promotions shall be responsible for club public relations. This includes notifying media of special events and contacts with the respective departments. This officer shall coordinate fund raising efforts with Event Directors for specific events and shall accept applications and appoint leaders and staff for special clinics and promotions.

Section 6. Director of Programming

The Director of Programming shall oversee all club disc golf events. This officer shall coordinate scheduling (within the club and with all other clubs), organization and leadership of club events including but not limited to: all sanctioned and non-sanctioned events, fundraisers, and all special events. The Programming Director is responsible for gathering the results of DDGA sanctioned tournaments and tabulating the points and rankings of the participating Active DDGA members. The Programming Director shall accept applications and appoint Event Directors and help recruit volunteers.

Section 7. Designated National Tournament Director

The National Tournament Director shall be responsible for coordinating the assigned National tournament following the Tournament Guidelines, and provide assistance and/or advice to prospective Tournament Directors. The Tournament Director shall be responsible for overseeing the DDGA National Championship Tournament Committee.

Section 8. The Board shall have power to make such regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution, as shall be necessary for the protection of the property of the DDGA and for the preservation of good order in the conduct of its affairs. It shall also be the duty of the Board to present business for the action of the DDGA membership. The Board shall have no power to make the DDGA liable for debts amounting to more than half of the amount in the treasury, in cash, and not subject to any prior liabilities.

Section 9. The DDGA shall conduct all of its affairs in the open and shall provide at cost of reproduction and postage any document requested by any Active member of the association. There shall be no written communication between Board members or any Committee Chairperson or any written minutes of any meeting concerning the DDGA and the conduct of its business that is exempt from this requirement unless confidentiality is explicitly approved by the Board.

Section 10. At Nationals, the President will assign a temporary Secretary to record the minutes of all of DDGA annual meeting.

ARTICLE VI : Standing Committees

Section 1. The Standing committees consist of the following:

a. Fundraising
b. Official DDGA Website management
c. Annual Banquet
d. The DDGA National Championship Tournament – See National Tournament Guidelines
e. Ad Hoc committees as assigned
f. Hall of Fame – Creation of the Hall of Fame occurred in 2010 at Warren, Vermont.

Section 2. The Board is empowered to establish committees as necessary to manage the business of the DDGA. Each committee must be overseen by a Board member.

Section 3. The Board shall announce openings in Standing Committees and other Committees, giving Active members the option of nominating Active members for the Chairperson. The Board has authority to appoint chairpersons for the Standing Committees and any other Committees under the advice of the Active members.

Section 4. The Committee Chairperson must be an Active member. Committee members can consist of Active and Supporting members as well as members of other disc golf associations (i.e. PDGA, local associations of PDGA, etc) and non-members.

ARTICLE VII : Election Procedure

Section 1. No one person may hold more than one elected DDGA position, and no more than two DDGA Committee Chairs. There is no limit as to the number of DDGA committees a person may belong to.

Section 2. Nominations may be made by a petition signed by at least five (5) Active members and submitted to the DDGA Annual meeting during the DDGA National Championship Tournament. The petitioners are responsible for ensuring the agreement of the nominee.

Section 3. Elections shall be by closed vote and ballots shall only be issued to Active members for voting.

Section 4. The election date shall be the official Annual Meeting of the DDGA during the DDGA National Championship Tournament.

ARTICLE VIII : Membership Dues

Section 1. The annual dues for Active members shall be fixed by a majority vote of the Board. Changes in the annual dues shall become effective at the beginning of the ensuring fiscal year.

Section 2. The fiscal year for DDGA annual dues begins October 1st and ends on September 30th of the following fiscal year.

Section 3. The annual dues shall be payable up to one year in advance. If the amount of the annual dues is changed after a member has paid, the member is exempt from the change for the term of the annual membership.

Section 4. The DDGA shall never issue any shares of stock, nor shall a dividend of any part of its income be distributed to its members, Board, or Directors, provided, however, compensation in a reasonable amount may be paid to members, Board, or Directors for services actually rendered, and members, Board, or Directors may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in attending to their authorized duties.

Section 5. The DDGA shall not make a loan to a Board, Director, or member, nor lend its credit to or for any such Board, Director, or member.

ARTICLE IX : Guidelines

Section 1. The DDGA shall make available the following guidelines:

a. Requirements for DDGA Sanction of a local tournament
b. DDGA Deaf National Tournament Bid Guideline
c. DDGA Deaf National Tournament Hosting Guideline
d. DDGA Points System Guideline

Section 2. The requirement outlined in the guidelines shall have to be adhered to in order to receive DDGA recognition.

Section 3. The Board shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Guidelines and addressing the grievances of any Active or Supporting member.

ARTICLE X : Constitution and Amendments

Section 1. The DDGA Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a majority vote of the Active members.

Section 2. The DDGA Constitution may be suspended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active members for an explicit time period.

ARTICLE XI : Discipline of Active Members, Board, and Directors

Section 1. Charges of dishonesty, working against the principles of the DDGA, or injuring the good standing of another Active or Supporting member may be filed against and Active or Supporting member in a written petition signed by at least ten (10) Active members and submitted to the Vice-President or the DDGA President.

Section 2. The Vice-President or the DDGA President shall review the petition and make a recommendation of action to the Board.

Section 3. Should the Board decide to take action, a hearing date shall be established and the accused and accusers notified. The charges will be discussed with all parties having equal opportunity to plead their case.

Section 4. The Board may demote any Active or Supporting member by a unanimous vote to Non-Active member status and must refund in full the current year’s membership fee paid by the demoted member. If, in the Board’s judgment, the infraction is of such magnitude, the Board may expel the member from the association.

Section 5. The Board may remove from the Board any member and/or Director and/or Committee Chairperson by a unanimous vote of all Board members except the member in question.

This Constitution exists in thanks to the PDGA Constitution. Some parts are derived from the PDGA Constitution and the authorship of those parts is of the PDGA by precedence. Should the need arise and the DDGA By-Laws fail to present the necessary information, the PDGA Constitution may be consulted.

RATIFIED: July 2003

AMENDED: June 27th of the Year 2013, to be effective on January 1, 2014.